Simplenote as a note app has existed for years and keep simple and reliable. It can publish notes and automatically sync updates. As long as these published notes are organized in some format, they can become blog posts! That's what this service do.
Create a new page in Simplenote App, fill the content with some format.
``` [[pages]] title = "Blog" url = "" [[pages]] title = "About" slug = "about" url = "" [[pages]] title = "RSS" url = "" [[posts]] title = "用 telegram 构建数字花园" slug = "use-telegram-as-digital-garden" url = "" date = 2024-06-09 [[posts]] title = "Why Objective-C" url = "" date = 2024-06-12 ```
There are 3 sections here.
For posts, date is needed, slug is optional for pages or posts, if not provided, it will use simplenote's uri as slug.
Publish this note
Chat with telgram bot: @beforetown_bot
input command: /set_homepage_url, then provide the simplenote url generated in Step 2. if everything goes well, you will get a link to your new blog.
You can use these shortcodes in pages / posts.
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